Things Every Cigar Smoker Should Know

The comforting world of premium cigars can sometimes seem bogged down by endless choices, confusing messages, and opinions posing as fact. It can be a complicated, confusing hobby, even for a longtime smoker. 

To help navigate the maze, we’ve assembled a list of facts and information that aim to give insight and perspective to every level of cigar aficionado, whether novice or inveterate. 

This list is by no means a Ten Commandments of cigar smoking. It’s more of a basic treatise that addresses pertinent issues and highlights some aspects that make the premium cigar industry unique. We’ve also included a few valuable tips that will serve to enhance the smoking experience and elevate the enjoyment of this beloved pastime.

Jane Fish

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As a Marketing-Director-turned-Solopreneur, Jane happily traded in floor-to-ceiling windows to help small business owners rank on page 1 of Google and fill inboxes with daily inquiries. She's helped thought-leaders, coaches, keynote speakers, shamans & movement facilitators tap into the parts of their brands that needed to be uncovered, pair imagery with impactful copy, and book their dream clients.

When she is not creating impactful websites, you can find Jane taking in a forest bath or getting odd looks from her neighbors as she strolls the manicured Doylestown, PA streets with her naked dogs.

Cigars Are a Natural and Artisanal Product